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Catching up. And WONDERing.


I’ve been sorely disappointed with the lack of engagement with the phone-in story line. Can anyone please tell me why they have not called in? What would make the difference? I could do something like: “FREE ART-SHIRT !!! to one lucky caller…” Would that make you call? Or targeting a particular audience?

In terms of considering locations and installations, I would love to do something with the history of wonder bread near the wonder bread factory. The design was born from balloons (thank you Wikipedia) and the International balloon race in Indianapolis where Wonder Bread was born. Maybe something with balloons that indicates by color the number of jobs in Memphis created by this plant, the number of jobs re-located from this plant, and the number of jobs lost by the closure of this plant.

I am trolling here for Memphis stories

Examples found:

1. INSIDE JOB 1 out of 5 stars:

Stocker (Former Employee), West Memphis, AR – March 31, 2015

Summer job as a high school student. Handled and stocked products with care. Show me promtness and a comfortable work conditions.

2. fast paced and get it done kind of place, food production 3 out of 5 stars:

Maintenance Tech (Former Employee), Memphis, TN – October 15, 2014

Pros: free baked goods

Cons: very short or limited breaks

A typical day at work consisted of a fast paced work environment due to limited loss of food product during breakdowns and repairs. I had to learn patience and self control due to the fast paced work environment and the miscommunications between production management and maintenance management. Myself and my coworkers had a job to do and we did everything we could to get it completed. The most enjoyable part of the job was being allowed to sample the baked goods at will.

3. good place, 4 out of 5 stars:

Assembly Line Worker (Former Employee), Memphis, TN – March 6, 2014

Great place to work but just a seasonal job. Lay off every year but a good place to work.

4. very demanding and hot place to work. 3 out of 5 stars

Maintenance Engineer (Former Employee), Memphis, TN – July 10, 2013

Pros: good pay

Cons: long hours pull lots of doulbes

Fast pace work skill building and long hours did what ever it took to keep lines going was a job that always kept you thinking had to stay safety minded at all times trouble shooting skills always being called upon sometimes very mentally challenging but the feeling of satisfaction as each job was finished knowing you didn't give up.

5. wonderbread just a good job. 4 out of 5 stars

Bread Molder (Former Employee), Memphis, TN – November 26, 2012

my day at work was easy because im a fast learner mangement was alright sometimes my co workers were fun to be around the most enjoyable part of my job was talking to my fellow co workers

More from Maintenance Engineer, Machine Operator, a Supervisor in Forest City, AR, - and in general these are the unhappiest reviews, those from supervisors… It paints a picture but doesn’t necessarily speak to the neighborhood now, though we can imagine more about the jobs that were inside and the people who are missing fro the neighborhood.

ART IDEA: sketches of the people who are missing from the neighborhood. I’m not there to locate the right walls for this, but that can be done. There could be people and their stories, absent past people or imagined future people, sketched with their work stories, or context for why they are in the district – an outdoor area may not have a bench yet but it could have a mural / sketch of a person on a bench. There could be a sketch of the tree where the tree wants to be, etc… LOW BUDGET suggestions to spark imagination towards continued investment.

Aside about Wonder bread: It might be too much, but I am also intrigued by this phrase “the Quiet Miracle” referring to the enrichment of white bread to combat disease in the US. Howdy Doody and Buffalo Bob were tools to spread this information, so they could be iconic and fun to play with as “informants” of some kind, via installation or performance. Does anyone know about legalities in using those characters or the Wonder Bread logo?

This is also interesting stuff about what wonder did – kind of creepy too maybe…

“In August 2009, Wonder reformulated its Wonder Classic and Wonder Classic Sandwich bread varieties to include more calcium and vitamin D.[10] Two slices of Wonder Classic and Wonder Classic Sandwich bread then provided 30% of the daily recommended intake of calcium, the same amount as 8 fluid ounces of whole milk.

Wonder 100% Whole Wheat (16 oz variety) qualified for the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program in most states. In March 2010, Wonder extended its line of bread products for families who preferred the taste of white bread, but wanted more nutrition, with the addition of Wonder Smartwhite a new bread with the taste and soft texture of white bread – but with the fiber of 100% whole wheat bread.[11] In 2011, Wonder bread launched its first national advertising campaign in years titled "Always Wonder".” Maybe could do something like “ALWAYS WONDER what’s in your food.” Is that too dark? ;)


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