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Proposal: "Compass of the Edge"

  • Marshall & Monroe

  • Compass of the Edge Mosaic: Anticipated as a historical tribute mosaic and new conceptual art piece, this meeting spot and landmark will draw visitors of Sun Studio deeper into the Edge neighborhood. Merging the symbolism of the compass with a 45, the black vinyl part of the record will be fashioned of pigmented concrete with scored grooves, while the label and compass rays will be mosaic tile in tints of gold, orange, slate, turquoise, indigo, and green. The ceramic 45 adapter will have a metallic glaze made to look like metal. The commercial and handmade tiles will be made to withstand freeze/thaw and being driven and walked upon. The points of the compass will point in the eight cardinal directions, and highlight historical landmarks in the Edge, such as the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Depot, Gayoso Bayou, Art Farm, the Diesel School, and features of the neighborhood that are historical and still relevant such as Sun Records, Sam Phillips Recording Studio, Walker Radiator Works, and Marshall Arts. It will also include arcane names for the four directions in Greek and Latin script that draw a connection between ways past of navigating that have become obsolete, and replaced by modern technology. Also included in the mosaic will be the titles of songs, written by lesser-known artists, later made into hits by acts like Elvis Presley and the Rolling Stones. Other visual elements will be incorporated, representing the visual artists that have been and are still in the neighborhood. Other elements might include cupcakes, bread, the Wonder bread “balloons”, flowers, astrological signs, and car parts (gears, hubcaps, and hood ornaments). All of these elements would add 3D textural and symbolic interest, while complementing and enhancing the overall design.

Large tractor tires as tree planters will surround the mosaic to create a pavilion space, and protect the pedestrians that might want to sit or stand and contemplate the mosaic. The tires are large enough to hold enough dirt to adequately support small trees, create a sculptural pot, and represent the history of the Edge district. A waterproof shade sail structure is envisioned to provide shade for possible musical performances at festivals. The shape of the fabric will be triangular to hint at former car lot flags. The feet for the shade structure support, which also provide a car barrier, will be installed when the street is re-paved, while the actual steel supports will be installed later. Small seats that mirror resemble short versions of the pillar supports provide seating.

The Compass of the Edge Mosiac project will enhance the neighborhood by creating a pedestrian friendly feel, offering people an interesting resting spot, providing some much needed green space, a historical marker, and a destination art piece.


Please contact us if you would like more information about Collabortory or any of the Surveys. 

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