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Desire Lines--------->walking free


Indulge me for a minute.....lets imagine that it is winter time and Memphis actually got some REAL snow...say 6 inches or more and we were to take a walk in the edge....where would you choose to walk?

A fresh blanket of snow tends to jump start ones brain into walking free. Instead of letting a side walk telling you where you should walk your pathway is dictated by other motivations. These pathways have many names but my favorite is Desire lines.

According to the dictionary, a desire line "is a path that usually represents the shortest or most easily navigated route between an origin and destination. Width and erosion severity can be indicators of how much traffic a path receives. Desire lines emerge as shortcuts where constructed ways take a circuitous route, have gaps, or are non-existent".

Desire lines are the remants of rebellon....they oppose planned, concrete pathways.

OKAY BACK TO REALITY....While most desire lines are created in green spaces and are dirt pathways....the lack of green space in the EDGE means that there are no true desire lines. While I think it is a really interesting exercise to think about the freedom one has when navigating through a quite, built environment that is a snowy white blank can this concept address mobility in the EDGE?

While Memphis has a plenty of areas where walking free can and does occur, the edge district is not one of them....While it is a relatively blank space ones mobility through it is forced. Though it could also be argued that the placement of Marshall Avenue fits the trajectory of many desire lines found in green spaces.


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A recent project produced by the amazing Public Art Fund titled Desire Lines takes an interesting approach to maping the pathways through Central Park.


I particuraly love the juxtaposition of the image of the spools (representing personal mobility) amongst a horizon of buildings. While I know NYC is one of the most walked cities in America I think parallels can be made to adding some life to our dear EDGE District even if it is lacking traditional green space.

Until next time....please walk free !

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